Keeping Serenita COVID secure

Lisa Ricci
I am pleased to say that I have just completed the BARBICIDE COVID - 19 Certification. Keeping Serenita Covid Secure and safe, following the highest level of Sanitation at all times.
I am pleased to say that I have just completed the BARBICIDE COVID-19 Certification to make sure that I am following the most up to date guidelines on keeping Serenita COVID secure and safe and following the highest level of sanitation at all times. If I can just ask all of my lovely clients to follow the following protocols when arriving at my studio that would be most appreciated.
✔Please sanitize hands on arrival
✔Face masks will need to be worn when entering the studio and during most treatments. Face masks can be removed for any massage and facial treatments.
I will be wearing a facemask or visor at all times.
✔ All surfaces will be cleaned regularly and wiped with the appropriate cleaning
product between each treatment.
✔ All items of equipment will be cleaned before and after every treatment. Where possible I will be using disposable items for specific treatments.
✔ Please contact me and re-arrange your appointment, if you have a temperature, or are feeling unwell or if any person in your household has the same or is self-isolating.